International Workshop on Technology Innovation of Algae
1 - 3 May, 2021, Online Workshop
International Workshop on Technology Innovation of Algae
Algae is an organism that despite our conceptualization, has many applications and is widely used in different industries such as; Food, animal feed, agriculture, cosmetics, energy, and bio-medicine. Regarding the current situation, people are trying to live healthier and corporations are trying to preserve the environment, which led to focusing on biodegradable and environmentally friendly substances suchlike algae and its extracts for their unique characteristics.
Workshop Speakers
David D. Ramjohn
CEO - AlgEternal Technologies, LLC; Global Head of Sustainability at KindEarth.Tech (KET), Director of Algae Biomass Organization, USA
Mauro Pavao
Professor and scientist at UFRJ. Academic Editor at PlosOne. Special Advisor at Kelp Blue, Brazil
Julie A. Z. Zedler
Junior Professor in Synthetic Biology of Photosynthetic Organisms at Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany
General and Engineering Director of Envirosan DC&Envihorizont LLC, Hungary - Integrated Bioengineering for Circular Economy and Sustainable Development
Mate Ravasz
Molecular Biologist, Data analyst, Entrepreneur, Founder and CEO of Algacraft Ltd., Bioinformatician Fios Genomics, UK
Lucie Novoveska
Senior Researcher in Algal Biotechnology Culture Collection of Algae and Protozoa (CCAP), Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS), UK
Associate Professor in Plant Physiology Department of Biotechnology University of Verona, Italy
Assistant Professor, DBT-ICT Centre for Energy Biosciences, Institute of Chemical Technology, India
Ramón Alejandro De Hoyos Cantú
CEO of ALIS Algae Innovation Solutions, Bioentrepreneur and bioinnovation Professor al Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon, México
David A. Russo
Alexander von Humboldt Postdoctoral Researcher, Bioorganic Analytics, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany
Research Assistant, Department of Microbiology, Institute of Biology Bucharest, Romanian Academy, Romania
Ashkan Ajdari
Head of Offshore Fisheries Research Center, Iranian Fisheries Science Research Institute, Iran